- About - Clockwerk is a self-contained Virtual Machine created and maintained by the Wizardry and Steamworks group that is configured and optimised to run a standalone hyper-grid instance of OpenSim. - Using - Provided are several images of the Clockwerk hard-drive that can be used in combination with any virtualisation software, either by first converting the image to a certain format, or by using the provided images directly. Conversion of the images to a different format to be achieved with with with the free qemu-img tool [1] and perhaps with your virtualisation software. To use Clockwerk download one of the images that corresponds to your virtualisation software: - QCOW2 for qemu [1] then use the virtualisation software to create a new virtual machine and then import the image file that you have downloaded. - Website - A thorough documentation and presentation video is at: Clockwerk @ Wizardry and Steamworks via: http://was.fm/opensim:clockwerk - Links - [1] qemu opensource processor emulator - http://wiki.qemu.org/Main_Page